
Bobeš II


Rating: Elite A
Line: Ještěd | Jes-187
Born: 27.1. 2022, only child
Ear tag number: 11344 057
No horns
Breeder: Milena Krejzová, Sosnova 83


Mother milk: 743kg/year, fat 3,64%, protein 3,37%



Bobeš is a MR. goat. He is calm, balanced and kind. He is a gentle soul in a big and powerful body. He can be in a herd with goats all year round. He does not bother them or the kids.




Rating: Elite Record
Bloodline: Ještěd | JES - 084 
Born: 8.2. 2011, from twins
Ear tag number: 04385 057 
No horns
Breeder: Horynová Eliška, Horní Světlá 48



Mother's milk:1122 kg/year, fat 3.2%, protein 3.59%
Mother father milk: 1142kg/year, fat 2.95%, protein 3.58%
Fertility index: 257%
Breeding index: 257%



Jeník is a beautiful big and strong buck, which we bought in autumn 2011 at the goat market in Jablonné v Podještědí. In a strong competition he became the winner of this market. Jeník is not cuddly, but he is manageable. If necessary he can be caught by the collar, he will have his hooves trimmed. He walks on a leash. He is still a bit suspicious of people, but basically he is very good.




Rating : Elite Record

Bloodline: Roklan | ROK - 108
Born: 6. 2. 2010, only child
Ear tag number: 02002 057 
No horns
Breeder: Koldovská Danuše, Česká Lípa


Mother Milk: 1141 kg/year, fet 4,07%,protein 3,32%
Father ´s mother milk: 1327kg/year, fet3,38%, protein 3,15%



Kolda was a beautiful goat with a shiny head and short coat. We bought him in autumn 2010 at the goat market in Jablonné v Podještědí. He was a savage and a rapier. Hoof trimming was a struggle. He didn't want to walk on a leash. He didn't spoil himself, but he took the goodness from his hand. He was careless with the baby goats.
In spring of 2011 we sold him to Morava, where he is now breeding.





Rating: Elite A
Bloodline: Hermes | HES - 62 
Born: 25. 4. 2009
Ear Tag number: 05702 278 CZ 
Breeder: Stránský Karel, Hořensko


Mother milk: 992 kg/year, fet 4,07%, protein 2,97%
Father ´s mother milk: 1024kg/year, fet 4,85%, protein 4,9%



Otík was our first goat. He had a beautiful rich colour and passed the colour on to the kids. He was the nicest goat I have ever seen. Sweet, cuddly, easy to handle. He walked like a dog on a leash. Mr. Stránský's goats and bucks are all such flies. If you want a goat for cuddling and pleasure, I definitely recommend this stud.
Today Otík breeds in Slovakia. Unfortunately we had to sell him because he was very closely related to Barča, who also comes from Mr. Stránský's breeding.